Virtual offices are enabling new ways of interacting. Berst allows you to peek through the window, shout out to everyone in the office and check who has been speaking to encourage inclusion.
What the pandemic has proven is that we no longer need a human to stand next to us to teach us and given this proof, why then, are we not insisting on the best possible teachers given that the world is connected through the internet and the ease with which we can find incredible quality on YouTube and other sites like Kahn academy and Masterclass. All that is required is a platform that allows groups to watch videos together. uniquely provides this ability. This capability, therefore, allows online tutoring companies to become facilitators of world-class teacher’s content and not teachers themselves.
Imagine the benefit of curating a syllabus of youtube videos of world-class teachers, teaching literally any subject to your students instead of the current roster of university students you currently use.
This would enable tutoring schools to transform their current roster of university students from “teachers” into “education coaches” using coaching techniques to push their children’s performance and consequently relieving them of the burden of having to teach.
The remote classroom setting would then look like a small group of kids being taught by world-class teachers. The kids would watch in sync, pausing, rewinding, rewatching, and asking questions of their “education coach” as they explore the material with each other again facilitated by their “education coach” in a university tutorial-like setting. A setting in which students cooperate and learn from each other, which is a lynchpin skill.
If nothing else please do these two things:
1. Watch this clip to hear what the future of education looks like
2. Jump onto a platform that allows groups to watch a video at the same time
We believe this will be the future of educationsThis is possible already; you just need to push the boundaries.
Virtual offices are enabling new ways of interacting. Berst allows you to peek through the window, shout out to everyone in the office and check who has been speaking to encourage inclusion.
The magic of a physical office happens between the meetings, not in them. A virtual office like Berst enables you to create this same magic, simply and intuitively. These 3 tips help you do just that.
Taking a tutoring business online is simple with a modern virtual office like Berst. With a easily accessible virtual office you can work just like you do in person, but virtually.
Berst is a simple and intuitive virtual office, setup to be the most accessible possible for team members of all cultures, ages or dominations. Accessed from your browser, you can get setup tomorrow.
High Empathy is the key to creating an effective working agreement that helps Distributed Teams succeed. This guide with help you with a step by step approach for doing this.
Berst's Virtual Office is perfectly setup to overcome "Zoom Fatigue". If you are looking to enable a highly engaged remote first workforce, Berst's Virtual Office is designed to help.
Creating context is a critical element for designing effective virtual workspaces. Virtual Offices like Berst can enable you to create radical transparency by connecting your context with rooms.
Some facilitation approaches like Ritual Dissent are perfect for high performance teams, as it create the space of high quality feedback. Virtual Offices make this even simpler to run.
Contrary to the common advice, it is possible to align multiple teams around OKRs. When using a virtual office you, don't require physical rooms or movement so you can just focus on aligning.
The watercooler moment is one of the things that people feel has been lost in remote working environment, but Everest Engineering use Berst's virtual office to solve this and feel connected as a team.
Low engagement events is the real killer in virtual working environments. These 3 approaches help build engagement while working in virtual or hybrid events.
Culture codes help set clear expectations about how people work and act. In distributed working environment this can be a key factors in the difference between high and mediocre performance.
Empathy is the key to building an inclusive team, especially in distributed teams when you can't rely on proximity. These 3 simple approaches can help you get off on the right foot.