Articles about

Remote Working

3 More tips to re-create in-person office magic in virtual offices

October 28, 2022

Virtual offices are enabling new ways of interacting. Berst allows you to peek through the window, shout out to everyone in the office and check who has been speaking to encourage inclusion.

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Lots of people having fun in the office

3 Tips to re-create in-person office magic in virtual offices

October 21, 2022

The magic of a physical office happens between the meetings, not in them. A virtual office like Berst enables you to create this same magic, simply and intuitively. These 3 tips help you do just that.

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People hanging out together

Online tutoring schools, I am talking to you: Why aren’t you using the world’s best teachers?

October 1, 2021

Remote working is enabling a new way of learning, the ability to leverage shared, recorded video content, but then to focus on the discussion in the room are enabling a new way of working.

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People watching a shared video online

How To Take Tutoring Online

September 27, 2021

Taking a tutoring business online is simple with a modern virtual office like Berst. With a easily accessible virtual office you can work just like you do in person, but virtually.

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Student working on laptop

Powering Fully Remote Companies

September 8, 2021

Berst is a simple and intuitive virtual office, setup to be the most accessible possible for team members of all cultures, ages or dominations. Accessed from your browser, you can get setup tomorrow.

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Woman working on laptop

Creating highly effective teams

June 25, 2021

High Empathy is the key to creating an effective working agreement that helps Distributed Teams succeed. This guide with help you with a step by step approach for doing this.

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4 people hugging and laughing

Run high engagement events with Berst

April 26, 2021

Berst's Virtual Office is perfectly setup to overcome "Zoom Fatigue". If you are looking to enable a highly engaged remote first workforce, Berst's Virtual Office is designed to help.

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Break barriers and build bonds with Berst

Designing virtual rooms for radical transparency

March 26, 2021

Creating context is a critical element for designing effective virtual workspaces. Virtual Offices like Berst can enable you to create radical transparency by connecting your context with rooms.

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A clear in focus crystal ball held between thumb and forefinger, while the rest of the image is blurry.

The best way to hear tough feedback is virtually

March 9, 2021

Some facilitation approaches like Ritual Dissent are perfect for high performance teams, as it create the space of high quality feedback. Virtual Offices make this even simpler to run.

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Person with back to the team, while the team discusses their problem

Rapidly aligning multiple teams with OKRs

March 4, 2021

Contrary to the common advice, it is possible to align multiple teams around OKRs. When using a virtual office you, don't require physical rooms or movement so you can just focus on aligning.

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Dart board with a dart near the bullseye

Recreating the watercooler moment for distributed teams

February 28, 2021

The watercooler moment is one of the things that people feel has been lost in remote working environment, but Everest Engineering use Berst's virtual office to solve this and feel connected as a team.

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Two people at watercooler away from laptops

3 practical tips to fight “Zoom fatigue”

December 29, 2020

Low engagement events is the real killer in virtual working environments. These 3 approaches help build engagement while working in virtual or hybrid events.

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Person sleeping at laptop

6 Easy Steps to Create a Company Culture Code

November 29, 2018

Culture codes help set clear expectations about how people work and act. In distributed working environment this can be a key factors in the difference between high and mediocre performance.

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3 simple ways to build an inclusive team

May 18, 2018

Empathy is the key to building an inclusive team, especially in distributed teams when you can't rely on proximity. These 3 simple approaches can help you get off on the right foot.

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5 hands stacked from different people